United States Dressage Federation
Continuing Education in Dressage Judging Program
Know the Movements with Jodi Ely “S” Judge
March 24, March 31, April 7 at 7:00 CT
This program covers all aspects of the test movements from Training through
Fourth level including the directives, gymnastic effect, and what can go wrong. It is
composed of three one-hour sessions transmitted through Zoom.
This educational opportunity is free for auditing members of the Iowa Dressage
and Combined Training Association.
Cost for USDF L Judges or nonmembers of IaDCTA- $50/$52 fee.
Payment- Make checks for $50 payable to IaDCTA and mail to
Nena Denman 21248 360 th St. Earlham, Iowa 50072 nkdenman@gmail.com
Pay Pal- Payment of $52 is sent to IaDCTA405@gmail.com
To register, please complete the following and mail or email to Nena Denman.
Email –
Phone Number-